Theodore Gegoux  
The New York Years
(1873 to 1909)

That which follows is a chronological listing of articles about the artist Gegoux, which were found in the newspapers of his time.  These articles represent most of what is known and believed about the artist.  Faithfully compiled from microfilm copies of the old newspapers.  Please forgive the miss-spelled names and any other errors.  Efforts have been made to assure that the information is as accurate as possible.
Chapter Six - Presidents and Generals  
Watertown Studio - 1885 to 1887  
"An elegant painting by Gegoux, is also to be used in the decoration. It is a faithful portrait of Gen. Grant with an angel hovering over him and about to crown him with a wreath"
The Watertown Daily Times - 1885.  
Fine weather greeted the Watertown mourners on the morning on August 8, 1885 when they left their homes wearing the customary black left arm bands to memorialize their fallen General and former President.  General Grant was buried in New York City that day and Watertown like most other cities across the country paused to conduct a somber memorial service to honor the passing of America's beloved countryman.  General Grant had suffered personal ruin and terminal throat cancer during his final years.  Nonetheless, he had mustered the strength to complete his personal memoirs in his last year of life and thus had assured the financial recovery for his family.  
General Ulysses S. Grant, through his Civil War service, had gained a reputation with the American public that presidential scandals and personal financial tragedy did not tarnish.  More loved in the North than in the South, General Grant was certainly well thought of in the State of New York.  The City of Watertown was no exception.  General Grant had many times passed through Watertown on his way to the Thousand Islands on the St. Lawrence river.  The citizenry universally adored him, but none so much as the members of the Grand Army of the Republic G.A.R. Joe Spratt Post, who were counted among his greatest fans.  
It was not surprising, therefore, when upon General Grant's death on July 23, 1885, the City of Watertown New York participated in the National Funeral on August 8, 1885.  From the moment of General Grant's death, preparations for the National Funeral began in Watertown.   America had followed the daily news accounts of Grant's condition.  
Gegoux for his part completed an eight foot high canvas portrait of General Grant, "with an angel hovering over him and about to crown him with a wreath." (6.001)  This portrait was central to the display at the Watertown Armory during the National Funeral.  After which Gegoux gifted General Grant's portrait to the G.A.R. Joe Spratt Post at Watertown for the New Hall which opened in February 1886. (6.017)  What eventually became of this portrait is not known as of this writing.  
By May of 1886, Gegoux had completed four additional portraits of civil war generals - Burnside; Hancock; McClellan; and Meade - all executed in oil on canvas sized 3 feet by 4 feet. (6.021)  Then in May of 1887 we see that first reference to Gegoux's portrait of President Lincoln. (6.059)  The Lincoln portrait was recently found among the collections of the Jefferson County Historical Society, vastly in need of conservation, but intact.   These portraits were commissioned especially for the Joe Sprat G.A.R. Post, and they represent a historically significant and previously unknown body of work.  
News from Watertown (August 7, 1885 to June 8, 1887)  
6.001)  The Watertown Daily Times - August 7, 1885
At The Armory
The work of decorating the armory under the supervision of Chairman Demarse and his committee is going on splendidly.  The smaller woodwork is being twined with black and white.  An elegant painting by Gegoux, is also to be used in the decoration.  It is a faithful portrait of Gen. Grant with an angel hovering over him and about to crown him with a wreath.  The work is artistic, like all pieces which come from Gegoux's easle. Flags and flowers are still needed and should be left at the armory at once.  
6.002)  The Watertown Daily Times - August 8, 1885
The Memorial
Gen. Grant's National Funeral in This City
The decorations at the armory are extremely beautiful, and it is doubtful if a Watertown audience ever viewed anything greater or more extensive in this line.  Running the whole length of the balcony are wide strips of black and white bunting, gracefully festooned and sectioned with small flags and mourning emblems.  
Directly in front of the balcony is the large rostrum completely boxed in with small flags and surrounded with flowers and festooned drapery.  The railing around this stand is wound with alternate strips of black and white, while in the back ground is the large portrait, eight feet high, of the dead soldier - the quick but most life-like and masterly work of our noted artist Prof. Gegoux.  Above the portrait is a picture of an angel bearing down upon the nation's great citizen with a wreath of flowers and shrouded gracefully in transparent robes.  
6.003)  The Watertown Daily Times - August 15, 1885 - Saturday
A beautiful oil portrait graces the entrance to Prof. Gegoux's studio.  It is of the late Mrs. Sarah Dorr, of Sackets Harbor.  
6.004)  The Watertown Daily Times - August 18, 1885 - Tuesday
The portrait which graces the entrance to Prof. Gegoux's studio, and which is so greatly admired, is that of Mrs. Sarah Day, mother of Supervisor Day.  
6.005)  The Watertown Daily Times - August 18, 1885 - Tuesday
An oil pastel by Gegoux is shown in Sterling & Mosher's window.  It is a most artistic piece of work, and is a faithful portrait of Mrs. E. G. Lee, of Meriden, Conn.  Prof. Gegoux is doing some very fine work nowadays.  
6.006)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 16, 1885
A beautiful oil portrait has just been completed by Prof. Gegoux, of Hannibal Smith's son Eli (1871-1888) (Brookside).  It is claimed by many to be one of the best productions of the kind ever shown in this city.
Notes - Brookside Graves:
Smith, Amelia Marsh 11/16/1922 T 31 02L 1838 1922
Smith, Hannibal T 31 01L 1839 1899
Smith, Eli M. T 31 03L 1871 1888  
6.007)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 17, 1885 - Thursday
Prof. Gegoux is now finishing a life size pastel portrait of the late Mrs. P. V. Poor, of Black River.  
6.008)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 21, 1885 - Monday
At the entrance of Gegoux's studio, may be seen a crayon portrait which does credit to the artist.  The subjects are Mr. and Mrs. Jason Miser's two little daughters.  
6.009)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 29, 1885
An elegant crayon of School Commissioner Shaver's familiar face is exhibited by Gegoux.  
6.010)  The Watertown Daily Times - October 17, 1885 - Saturday
Mrs. H. A. Cornwall, of Alexandria Bay, is having painted a life-size bust portrait of her late sister, Mrs. P. V. Poor.  Gegoux is the artist.  
6.011)  The Watertown Daily Times - November 21, 1885
Prof. Gegoux is now engaged on a life-size portrait of Mr. John Seart of Clayton.  
6.012)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 5, 1885 - Saturday
Prof. Gegoux, has just finished a life-size crayon portrait of Mr. and Mrs. Wood Decant's little daughter Louise.  It is pronounced a beautiful piece of work.  
6.013)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 16, 1885
The friends of the late Mrs. Fannie Dexter, of Black River, can now see the splendid portrait, in oil, of her, just finished by Prof. Gegoux, of this city, whose studio will be open this evening tomorrow, day and evening for that purpose.  
6.014)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 29, 1885
Local Art
In Mr. Wilson's Art rooms Theo. Gegoux has a portrait of Mr. H. F. Inglehart.  The portrait is made from life and is a remarkably good facsimile of Mr. Inglehart. It is well finished and reflects credit to Mr. Gegoux's brush.  
6.015)  The Watertown Daily Times - January 16, 1886 - Saturday
Mr. J. C Woodruff is having executed a life-size crayon portrait of his mother, the late Mrs. Charles T. Woodruff.  Gegoux is the artist.  
6.016)  The Watertown Daily Times - Feb 11, 1886
Happily Dedicated - Joe Spratt Post
On the right as you enter the hall hangs Prof. Gegoux's magnificent painting of Gen. Grant, the gift of the professor to the post.
Commander Cornwall then said that he had a public acknowledgement to make in behalf of the post, which was a grateful duty to perform.  Among the many valuable gifts to the post none were more valuable or appropriate than the gift made by Prof. Theo. Gegoux of his splendid painting of our grand old commander, General Grant, (applause) which you see hanging on the walls of our beautiful room.  It speaks for itself as testimony of his skill as an artist, and its presentation to us is ample evidence of a generous nature, and a heart warm toward our organization and its members.  I move a rising note of thanks to Prof. Gegoux for his beautiful gift.  
6.017)  Watertown Re-Union - February 17, 1886 - Wednesday
G. A. R.
Joe Spratt Post Dedicate a New Hall with impressive Ceremonies.
The dedication of its now hall Wednesday evening by Joe Spratt Post, G. A. R., of this city, was in all respects a most enjoyable event.  For the past month the Post has been busy in fitting up a portion of Apollo hall, on Court street, for permanent quarters.  The attack was made under the lead of Commander Cornwell, and has been perfectly successful.   The hall comprises about half of the old one, and there are pleasant ante rooms connected with it.  The Grand Army hall is the lower half of the old hall, on the left of the stairway.  The new hall is 48 feet long, 37 feet wide and 20 feet high.  The wood-work represent cherry and black walnut, the walls are very handsomely-papered, and there is a substantial ceiling overhead.  It is a finely proportioned hall, and well adapted for the use designed.  From the center of the ceiling is suspended an elegant ten-light chandelier; tastefully trimmed with flags.  
On the right as you enter the hall hangs Prof. Gegoux's magnificent painting of Gen. Grant, the gift of the professor to the Post.  On the left is a large picture of Gen. Hancock, and over the commander's station in front is a large photograph of Col. Joseph Spratt.  The walls abound with engravings, lithographs and maps of the various battle fields of the war, relieved here and there by flags.  The ante-rooms are tastily furnished, and the whole work shows good taste.  Great credit is due to those who have planned and executed the work, not forgetting the constant and valuable assistance rendered by the ladies of the Women's Auxiliary Post, No. 46, who have been untiring in their efforts to help, "the boys" in their work at home, as they were unceasing in their devotion to their loved ones on the field. ......
The Joe Spratt Post now contains 220 members, and deserve the congratulations and encouragement of the community.  It is a noble band of boys in blue, they are doing good, take pleasure in it, and all their friends are glad to see them prosperous and happy in their new and elegant quarters.  
6.018)  The Jefferson County Journal, Adams, N. Y. - March 16, 1886
Watertown, N.Y.
One of the busiest men in town is Prof. Theo. Gegoux, the portrait painter.  Prof. Gegoux has an enviable reputation as an artist and is justly deserving of the liberal patronage he is receiving.  
6.019)  The Watertown Daily Times - March 31 to November 27, 1886
"From Life"
Life-Size Bust Crayon Portrait at Gegoux's For $ 25
Only two sittings required.  Satisfaction guaranteed.  Studio in the Van Namee Block.  
6.020)  The Watertown Daily Times - April 26, 1886 - Monday
Life-size crayon portraits at Gegoux's from $15.  Copying from old pictures, $15.  Call and see samples.  
6.021)  The Watertown Daily Times - May 28, 1886 - Friday
Fine Portraits  
Through the courtesy of Commander Cornwall and ex-Commander Traver, of Joe Spratt post, G.A.R., the Times reporters were this morning shown several fine portraits recently painted in oil by Prof. Gegoux for the adornment of the post's headquarters.  
The pictures are on canvas 3 x 4 feet in size and are correct portraits of Generals Meade, Burnside, McClellan, and Hancock, all in military uniform as they appeared during the rebellion.  
They are fine specimens of Prof Gegoux's skill, that of General Meade being as near perfection as a likeness can be.  It almost seems capable of speaking so life-like is the expression and color.  
These pictures, together with the post's large portrait of General Garfield and the mammoth painting, 6 x 8 feet, of General Grant, which is without doubt the finest portrait of the great warrior in existence, and which was first shown at the Memorial services held in the armory, make a rare collection and one of which the post can well be proud.  
G.A.R. Hall, as now furnished and decorated, possesses many interesting features for the visitor.  Maps of various localities where great battles were fought adorn the walls, and from the commander's mallet and the balloting box up to the largest pieces of furniture in the hall there is no end of ingenuity displayed to produce designs emblematic of war.  
The government is at present compiling an official record of all orders issued during the rebellion in both armies.  The work will fill fifty large volumes and as fast as issued are placed on file in the post's library.  
No one can visit their attractive headquarters and blame any man for boasting of the title of "an old soldier."  
6.022)  The Watertown Re-Union - June 2, 1886 - Wednesday
Fine Portraits.
Saturday we were shown several fine portraits recently painted in oil by Prof. Gegoux for the adornment of Joe Spratt Post's headquarters.  The pictures are on canvass 3x4 feet in size and are correct portraits of Generals Meade, Burnside, McClellan and Hancock, all in military uniform and as they appeared during the rebellion.
They are fine specimens of Prof. Gegoux's skill, that of General Meade being as near perfection as a likeness can be it almost seems capable of speaking so life-like is the expression and color.  These pictures together with the Post's large portrait of General Garfield and the mammoth painting 6x8 feet, of General Grant, which is without doubt the finest portrait of the great warrior in existence, and which was first shown at the Memorial services held in the armory, make a rare collection and one of which the Post can well be proud.  G. A. R. Hall, as now furnished and decorated posses many interesting features for the visitor.
Maps of various localities where great battles wore fought, and from the commander's mallet and the balloting box up to the largest piece of furniture in the hall there is no end of ingenuity displayed to produce designs embematical of war.  The government is at present compiling an official record of all orders issued during the rebellien in both armies.  The work will fill fifty large volumes, and as fast as issued are placed on file in the Post's library.  No one can visit their attractive head quarters and blame any man for boasting of the title of "an old soldier."  
6.023)  The Watertown Daily Times - June 10, 1886
Attractions at Grand Army hall this evening:
Pleasant rooms, attractive young lady waiters, the best of ice-cream, cake and strawberries, splendid music furnished by Prof. H. M. Lewis' family orchestra, assisted by Prof. Mangang, good singing, and other attractions including beautiful paintings by Prof. Gegoux of famous generals of the war, and the immense life-like portrait of Gen. Grant.  No charge for admittance, everybody welcome.  
6.024)  The Watertown Daily Times - June 26, 1886 - Saturday
Prof. Gegoux has just completed a large oil portrait of Architect N. Dillenbeck of this city.  The picture is full life-size and three fourths figure.  The portrait has been elegantly framed and was on exhibition at A. R. Wilson's art rooms today, where work has been admired and complemented by many persons.  
There is no doubt that the picture is one of the finest the professor has ever produced, and the affects attained are so life-like and natural that it almost seems capable of speaking.  It was painted from life, Mr. Dillenbeck giving the professor five sittings.  
It is to be regretted that Watertown is likely to loose such an artist as Prof. Gegoux, but such is said to be the case as he contemplates taking up his residence at or near New York at some future day.  Such paintings as the one above described, are not seen every day, and the artist capable of producing them is certainly an honor to this or any city.  
6.025)  The Watertown Daily Times - July 10, 1886 - Saturday
Amateur Photographers Club
2nd Vice President Theo Gegoux  
6.026)  The Watertown Daily Times - July 17, 1886 - Saturday
Theo. Gegoux has recently finished a life-size crayon portrait of the late Capt. Settle, which is to grace the walls of the 39th Separate company's parlors at the armory.  
6.027)  The Watertown Re-Union - July 21, 1886 - Wednesday
Mrs. Geo. R. Whittier, of Brownville, is having two life-size crayon portraits executed of herself and her late husband.  Gegoux swings the pencil.  
6.028)  The Watertown Re-Union - July 21 to August 26, 1886
A Life Size Crayon Portrait
To every person who has one of the above portraits made, a number will be given, which will entitle the holder to one chance on the oil painting, "Moonlight on the St Lawrence," Valued at $500.
This offer will only hold good for eight months.
Studio Over 21 Public Square, WATERTOWN, N. Y.  
6.029)  The Watertown Daily Times - August 20, 1886 - Friday
Gegoux has just completed a fine crayon portrait of Charles H. Brown, of Lewis and Brown.  
6.030)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 2, 1886 - Thursday
Theodore Gegoux, who accompanied the 39th Separate company on their excursion to Gouverneur today, was called there by a telegram from the organizers of the fair.
The honor was conferred upon him of being the committee on fine arts at the Gouverneur fair to decide upon the merits of the various exhibits.  He will undoubtedly occupy the position designated with credit to himself and satisfaction to all.  
6.031)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 4, 1886 - Saturday
Gegoux has a very fine crayon portrait of William Lawyer on exhibition at Wilson's art rooms.  
6.032)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 9, 1886 - Friday
The Wedding
The fair young lady who is to be married on the fair grounds is going to have some pretty pictures of herself if the work of Watertown is worth anything, and we think it is.  Will Hart is bound to to make her some of the finest panel photos ever seen in Watertown, and Gegoux will try to have a fine crayon portrait ready to present to her on the wedding day.  
6.033)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 15, 1886 - Wednesday
The Jefferson County Fair
Main Hall
Gegoux's booth attracted attention, as he had the portrait of the bride on exhibition. Other crayons are very fine. That of George Knowlton is especially good.  
6.034)  The Watertown Daily Times - September 16, 1886 - Thursday
The Jefferson County Fair
Works of Art
Gegoux shows in his booth a $600 painting of Mr. N. Dillenbeck; also a number of others, which are fine.  
6.035)  Pulaski Democrat - September 16, 1886 - Thursday
Mr. & Mrs. H.H. Finster have their daugther Minnie's portrait, life size, in pastel painting, by Gegoux of Watertown.  The picture is perfect in every way, and they are to be congratulated on having so life-like a picture of the deceased daughther.  It is beautifully framed in bronze and gilt.  
6.036)  The Watertown Daily Times, September 17, 1886 - Friday
Charles L. Cory and Carrie B. Clark, of Black River, appeared to claim the gifts offered for the couple who would be married in public on the fair grounds, and were so married by the Rev. Mr. Townby.
Theodore Gegoux, a fine crayon portrait of the bride;
6.037)  The Watertown Herald - September 18, 1886 - Saturday
The Fair Jefferson County's Finest Show: Gegoux's Studio was represented by some fine pictures in oil and crayon.  It was adorned by a life size crayon of "The Bride".  
6.038)  The Jefferson County Journal - September 21, 1886 - Tuesday
Mr. H. H. Finster lately had his daughter's portrait painted by Mr. Gegoux, of Watertown.  It is life size and a fine piece of art Mr. Finster's daughter died last spring and the copy was but a small picture.  
6.039)  The Watertown Re-Union - September 22, 1886 - Wednesday
Charles L. Cory and Carrie B. Clark, of Black River
The following is the list of presents received by the couple:
Theodore Gegoux, a fine crayon portrait of the bride  
6.040)  The Watertown Daily Times, October 9, 1886 - Saturday
A pastel painting by Theodore Gegoux, of Mrs. H. C Bannister, is generally admired, being on exhibition at Wilson's art studio, on Washington street.  It is shown for a few days only, and in an excellent likeness of the lady.  
6.041)  The Oswego Daily Times-Express - October 22, 1886 - Friday
I have now on exhibition at Schilling's music store on First street a variety of Professor Gegoux's pictures, life size, in oil, pastel, and crayon paintings.  Please call and examine Saturday afternoon and evening, and leave your orders with the agent.
H. O. Banister  
6.042)  The Watertown Daily Times, October 25, 1886 - Saturday
The City Band Fair at the Armory .. To-Night .. A Grand Distribution of Costly Articles Presented to the Band
One life-size half figure Pastel Portrait, valued at $150 dollars, Prof. Gegoux to be contested for by two young ladies.
6.043)  The Watertown Re-Union - November 10, 1886 to April 20, 1887
A Life Size Crayon Portrait
Studio Over 21 Public Square, WATERTOWN, N. Y.  
6.044)  The Watertown Daily Times - November 15, 1886 - Monday
The following articles in addition to those published Saturday have been contributed for the Sisters' fair:  a valuable chair, Davis Sewing Machine Co.; crayon portrait, Mr. Gegoux; a trio of chickens, Mrs. Weldon; set of silver spoons, Mr. Guntsman.  
6.045)  The Watertown Daily Times - November 29, 1886 - Monday
The Sister's Fair
The Sister's fair at the armory opened very auspiciously Saturday evening, the attendance being very large.  The interior of the spacious building was tastefully decorated and many beautiful articles were exhibited that are to be drawn some time during the present week.  The entertainment given was well managed and gave entire satisfaction.  The opening night proved to be a good and the Sister's intend to spare no pains to make the fair a brilliant success.  This evening the City band will discourse some of their fine music, which will add much to the pleasures of the ocassion.  Every person buying an admission ticket will be entitled to a chance on the life-size portrait by Mr. T. Gegoux.  
6.046)  The Watertown Daily Times - November 30 to December 4, 1886
Fair at the Armory
All who buy tickets of admission any of the nights of this week will get a chance on a life-size crayon portrait of the winner by Mr. Gegoux, the well known artist.  
6.047)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 2, 1886 - Thursday
Fair at the Armory
All who buy tickets of admission any of the nights of this week will get a chance on a life-size crayon portrait (of the winner) by Mr. Gegoux, one of the best artists in northern New York.
All are invited to attend.  
6.048)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 4, 1886 - Saturday
Fair of the Sisters of Mercy
Tonight the drawing will take place for the following articles:
.. and the life-size crayon portrait (of the winner) by Gegoux  
6.049)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 6, 1886 - Monday
The winner of Prof. Gegoux's painting has not been heard from.  It is No. 345.  
6.050)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 13, 1886 - Monday
G.A.R. Bazar
Drawing of Articles Saturday - The Lucky Numbers
1 pair of shoes, 4134, Prof. Gegoux
6.051)  The Watertown Daily Times - December 14, 1886 to January 10, 1887
Are you aware that you can get from life a life-size crayon portrait at Gegoux's for $15.  
6.052)  The Oswego Daily Times - January 13, 1887 - Thursday
A Fine Portrait
Mr. Theo. Gegoux has just finished a fine portrait of Prof. E. Favreau, which is now on exhibition at Schilling's music store.  It is an artistic piece of work and reflects much credit on the artist who is from Watertown.  
6.053)  The Watertown Herald - January 22, 1887 - Saturday
Men Selected for Jury
The following is a list of jurors drawn to serve at a term of the county court to be held in this city.
February 8th: ....
4th ward ....
Theodore Gegoux .....  
6.054)  The Watertown Re-Union - January 26, 1887 - Wednesday
Trial Jurors.
The following is a correct list of persons drawn Friday morning at 9 o'clock to serve as trial jurors at the county court and court of sessions to be held at the court-house in this city, beginning February 7th, 1887; Theodore Gegoux, fourth ward;  
6.055)  The Jefferson County Journal, Adams, N. Y. - February 16, 1887
Watertown, N.Y.
Prof. Theo. Gegoux has some of his paintings on exhibition at the Catholic fair, which begun at Clayton Monday night.  
6.056)  The Watertown Daily Times - March 11, 1887 - Friday
A very handsome crayon picture in Sterling & Mosher's window has attracted considerable attention for a day or two.  The subject is "Matre Dolorosa" and the work that of Frank P. Haley of this city, who has been a student with Prof. Gegoux for a year past.  The work bears evidence of competent instruction and some natural ability of the student.
Note: "Matre Dolorosa" translates as "Mother of Sorrows".  
6.057)  The Watertown Herald - March 12, 1887 - Saturday
A specimen of the work of one of Prof. Gegoux's students may be seen in Sterling & Mosher's show window in the arcade.  It is a crayon portrait representing the Virgin Mary, taken from a cheap picture, and is the work of Frank P. Haley, who has been a student for about a year.  Careful and correct work is clearly discernable in the drawing.  Prof. Gegoux has reason to be proud of his student.  
6.058)  The Watertown Daily Times - March 15, 1887 - Tuesday
Theo Gegoux has just finished a fine pastel portrait of H. O. Bannister.  It is a very correct likeness of that gentleman.  
6.059)  The Watertown Daily Times - March 29, 1887 - Tuesday
A Fine Picture
Theodore Gegoux, the popular portrait artist of this city, has recently completed a handsome portrait of the late Gen. John A. Logan, which is attracting much attention.  The picture is on exhibition in the window at the Wilson's art room.  The portrait will grace the walls of the G.A. R. rooms, along with those of: Lincoln, Garfield, Hancock, Grant, Meade, and McClellan.  Mr. Gegoux has painted many fine pictures for the Joe Spratt post, and they value his latest production very highly.  
6.060)  The Watertown Daily Times - April to June 1887
For Sale - Nearly new piano, in good order.  Inquire at Gegoux's Studio, Van Nammee block.  
6.061)  The Watertown Daily Times - April 18, 1887 - Monday
Gegoux, the artist, is now engaged on life-size portraits of Mr. John W. Griffin, the architect, and wife.  
6.062)  The Watertown Daily Times - May 5, 1887 - Thursday
Mr. John Makepeace has lately had a life-size portrait of his a father-in-law, the late R. Gurnee, of Omar, executed by Gegoux, the artist.  The likeness is said to be perfect, and Mr. Gegoux's customer is greatly pleased with it.  
6.063)  The Watertown Daily Times - May 7, 1887 - Saturday
Mrs. Mary A. Davis, of Carthage, is having painted a life-size portrait of her late husband L. Davis.   Gegoux is the artist.  
6.064)  The Watertown Daily Times, May 21, 1887 - Saturday
Mr. J. P. Budd, of Carthage, is having executed a life-size portrait of his mother.  Theo. Gegoux is the artist.  
6.065)  The Watertown Times - May 28, 1887 - Saturday
G. H. McKinley, of Clayton, N. Y., is having a crayon portrait executed at Gegoux, studio.  
6.066)  The Watertown Daily Times - May 31, 1887 - Tuesday
Memorial Exercises
The Program Carried Out at the Opera House Last Evening - A Large Gathering
The Memorial exercises at the opera house last evening were attended by a large number of people and proved very interesting.  The Joe Spratt post turned out in full ranks.   In the Opera House they occupied seats in the orchestra circle.  The stage was prettily decorated with potted plants.  Back of the desk and in the center of the stage was hung the portrait of Gen. Logan.   At the left that of Gen. Hancock and at the right that of Gen. Meade.  
6.067)  The Watertown Daily Times, June 2, 1887 - Thursday
A very good crayon portrait of Dr. J. B. Lowe is on exhibition in Sterling & Mosher's window.  It was executed by Frank P. Healy, a young artist of this city.  
6.068)  The Watertown Daily Times, June 2, 1887 - Thursday
The striking life-size crayon portrait exhibited today in Sterling & Mosher's show window is the work of Frank Haley, of this city, Frank formerly, and not long ago, was a carrier of the Daily Times, and for the past year has been a student of the well-known, Prof. Gegoux.  
6.069)  The Watertown Daily Times, June 8, 1887 - Wednesday
G. A. R. Festival
The Ice cream and strawberry festival, Friday evening, at Joe Spratt post's hall, on Court street, will be under the auspices of the Ladies Relief corps.  They extend a cordial invitation to the public generally, to be present.  Admittance free.  The tables will be presided over by a corps of handsome young ladies, who will carefully attend to all wishing refreshments.  And while you are relishing a dish of Nill & Jess' extra fine ice cream, you can be enjoying a view of those elegant mammoth paintings by Prof. Gegoux that now adorn the walls of G. A. R. hall, of President Lincoln and Generals Grant, Logan, Hancock, Garfield, Meade, McClellan and Burnside, and also at the same time be listening to sweet music, discovered by H. M. Lewis' fine orchestra.